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The presence of Mahan Holding at the fourth Specialized Steel Exhibition in Iran

Specialized Steel Exhibition in Iran
The Specialized Steel Exhibition in Iran provided an opportunity for the presence of Mahan Holding and the development of the steel industry.

The presence of Mahan Holding at the fourth Specialized Steel Exhibition in Iran

According to the public relations office of Mahan Holding, the fourth Specialized Steel Exhibition in Iran was held in Kerman province from December 23 to 26, 2023. The exhibition was held with a focus on the supply chain of steel, copper, machinery, and related equipment, and was attended by major mining and industrial companies in the country.

Mahan Mines and Industries Development Holding,  Mahan Sirjan, Baft Steel Complex, Bonab Steel Industry Complex, and Parcham Bar Transportation, had an active and prominent presence at the exhibition, showcasing its products, technical capabilities, and innovations to visitors.

The presence of Mahan Holding in the Specialized Steel Exhibition in Iran

The exhibition was a good opportunity for Mahan Holding and its subsidiaries to get acquainted with the steel industry professionals in Iran and neighboring countries, and to explore the potential for cooperation.

The steel industry is one of the most important and strategic industries in the world. This industry plays a major role in the economic and social development of countries. Iran is also one of the countries with high potential in the steel industry. This country has a comparative advantage in the production of iron ore, pelletization, and crude steel. In recent years, the Iranian steel industry has seen significant growth. Given the importance of the steel industry in Iran, it is expected that specialized steel exhibitions will be held in this country in the coming years as well.

Among the advantages of the steel industry in Iran, the following can be mentioned:

The role of the steel industry in industrial development: The steel industry is considered the foundation of many other industries. For example, the construction industry, the automotive industry, the machinery industry, and the oil and gas industry all require steel.

Employment creation: The steel industry is one of the most labor-intensive industries in Iran. The industry directly and indirectly employs millions of people.

Specialized steel exhibitions are a great opportunity for companies active in this industry to showcase their products and services. These exhibitions also provide a platform for communication between domestic and foreign companies.

The fourth specialized steel exhibition in Iran had various achievements for the companies participating in this exhibition.

  •  Some of these achievements include the following:
  • Introduction of new products and services by companies
  • Establishment of communication between domestic and foreign companies
  • Identification of opportunities for cooperation

Mahan Mines and Industries Development Holding is one of the largest industrial companies in Iran, operating in various fields, including steel, copper, energy, and mining. Mahan Holding also achieved positive results from its participation in this exhibition and was able to showcase its new products and services to visitors and explore potential collaborations with foreign companies.

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