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Mahan Industries and Mines Development Holding ranks among the Top Iranian Companies

Top Iranian Companies
The twenty-sixth annual ranking of the Top Iranian Companies (IMI-100) was held and Mahan Holding achieved the 74th rank among the top 500 companies in Iran

Mahan Industries and Mines Development Holding ranks among the Top Iranian Companies

According to the public relations report of Mahan Holding, the twenty-sixth annual ranking ceremony of the Top Iranian Companies (IMI-100) took place on January 22 2024 at the International Conference Center of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) in the presence of ministers of industry, economy, and senior national managers.

In this significant event, aimed at identifying and introducing the Top Iranian Companies (between 500 companies) in various sectors and determining their position and level of influence on Iran's economy, Mahan Industries and Mines Development Co. Holding proudly achieved the 74th rank among the top companies in Iran.

Furthermore, in this ceremony, Baft Steel Complex secured the 127th rank, and Mahan Sirjan Industrial and Mining Processing Development Company achieved the 136th rank among the top companies in Iran.


  • Export and Exploration Achievements

In addition to the overall rankings, Baft Steel Complex excelled in the export sector and secured the second rank among the top 100 export-oriented companies. Mahan Sirjan Industrial and Mining Processing Development Company also attained the 6th rank in the exploration and extraction group.


  • Speeches and Appreciation of Top Companies

In this ceremony, the CEO of the Industrial Management Organization and the manager of the ranking center for Top Iranian Companies delivered speeches on current economic issues, the evaluation background and history of companies at international, regional, and national levels, the methodology of evaluating and ranking top Iranian companies, evaluation indices, and criteria, extracted analytical reports, and also compared the performance and ranking of main business groups in IMI-100 and FORTUNE-500.


Following the speeches of honorable ministers of industry and economy, top companies were appreciated in various fields such as sales volume, revenue, sales growth, sales efficiency, value-added, assets, job creation, profitability, market value, export-oriented companies, leading companies, etc.


  • Mahan Holding's Role in Sustainable Development

Mahan Industries and Mines Development Holding, as one of the top companies in Iran, has always strived to contribute to the sustainable development of Iran through its activities in various fields including mining, mining industries, steel, copper, etc. This holding, by investing in development projects, job creation, poverty alleviation, and fulfilling its social responsibilities, plays an effective role in the country's economic prosperity.


International Conference Center of the Islamic Republic of Iran


  • Future Outlook

Mahan Holding, relying on its expertise and experience and utilizing efficient and specialized human resources, aims to become one of the top 10 companies in the country among holdings focused on mining and mining industries in the coming years. This holding also seeks to expand its activities in areas such as copper, zinc, and alloys to diversify its product offerings.


The presence of Mahan Industries and Mines Development Holding among the top 74 companies in Iran demonstrates the commitment and efforts of this holding towards the sustainable development of the country. With a clear vision and well-defined plans, this holding is taking steps towards progress and excellence and hopes to contribute even more to the country's economic prosperity in the future.


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